10 Best Schools in City Guwahati Assam

Delhi Public School

Ahomgaon Road Tripathi Balaji Mandir Guwahati Assam Delhi Public School is the best school you will find near city Guwahati, it is the 182nd best school in India and the 4th best school in Assam.
Bestschool rating for this school is A1, which means this school is legendary among other schools in India, A1 rating is given only to best schools and there are no schools better than these schools. This school is a rare gem in the Indian school education system.. Delhi Public School is one of the top 10 schools near city Guwahati.

Delhi Public School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE Board Affiliation Code is 230049.

Overall this school has scored 10 out of 10.. The ranking and rating is calculated mainly based on the results of 210 students who appeared for the board exam last year and scored an average of 84.40% marks.

Sanskriti Gurukul

Gaon Gugh, Ahomgaon Po Garchuk Guwahati Kamrup-781 035Sanskrit Gurukul is the second best school around the city Guwahati is the 88th best school in India and the amazing fact is that this school is the best school in entire Assam.
Bestschool rating for this school is A1, which means this school is legendary among other schools in India, A1 rating is given only to best schools and there are no schools better than these schools. This school is a rare gem in Indian schooling system.. Culture The Gurukul is one of the top 10 schools near city Guwahati.

Sanskriti Gurukul is affiliated by Council of School Certificate Examinations of India and has ICSE Board Affiliation Code AS006.

Overall this school has scored 10 out of 10. The calculation of ranking and rating is mainly based on the results of 46 students who appeared for the board exam last year and scored an average of 88.33% marks.

Maharishi Vidyamandir

Maharshi Vidyamandir is the 3rd best school around Guwahati city, 320th best school in India and 5th best school in Assam.
Bestschool rating for this school is A1, which means this school is legendary among other schools in India, A1 rating is given only to best schools and there are no schools better than these schools. This school is a rare gem in the Indian school education system.. Maharishi Vidyamandir is one of the top 10 schools near the city of Guwahati.

Maharshi Vidyamandir is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE Board Affiliation Code is 230043.
Overall this school has got 10 out of 10 points. The calculation of ranking and rating is mainly based on the results of 210 students who appeared for the board exam last year and scored an average of 82.51% marks.

Maharshi Vidya Mandir is the 4th best school in Guwahati city, 378th best school in India and 6th best school in Assam.
Bestschool rating for this school is A1, which means this school is legendary among other schools in India, A1 rating is given only to best schools and there are no schools better than these schools. This school is a rare gem in Indian schooling system.. Maharishi Vidya Mandir is one of the top 10 schools near city Guwahati.

Maharishi Vidya Mandir is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE Board affiliation code is 230020.
Overall this school has got 10 out of 10 points. The calculation of ranking and rating is mainly based on the results of 123 students who appeared for the board exam last year and scored an average of 81.89% marks.

Shrimant Shankar Academy is the 5th best school around city Guwahati it is the 388th best school in India and it is the 7th best school in Assam.
Bestschool rating for this school is A1, which means this school is legendary among other schools in India, A1 rating is given only to best schools and there are no schools better than these schools. This school is a rare gem in Indian schooling system.. Shrimant Shankar Academy is one of the top 10 schools near city Guwahati. Shrimant Shankar Academy Central Board of Secondary Education

Affiliated by and its CBSE Board Affiliation Code is 230023. Overall this school has scored 10 out of 10.
. The calculation of ranking and rating is mainly based on the results of 243 students who appeared for the board exam last year and scored an average of 81.84% marks.

NPS International School is the 6th best school around the city Guwahati is the 466th best school in India and the 8th best school in Assam.
Bestschool rating for this school is A1, which means this school is legendary among other schools in India, A1 rating is given only to best schools and there are no schools better than these schools. This school is a rare gem in the Indian school education system.. NPS International School is one of the top 10 schools near city Guwahati.

NPS International School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE Board Affiliation Code is 230055.
Overall this school has scored 10 out of 10.. The ranking and rating is calculated primarily based on the results of 129 students who appeared for the board exams last year and scored an average of 81.14%.

Maria’s Public School 

Maria’s Public School is the 7th best school around the city of Guwahati, the 644th best school in India and the 14th best school in Assam.
The Bestschool rating for this school is A2, if the school is said to be excellent compared to other schools, the A2 rating is only given to high quality schools. There are rare schools that are better than these schools in fact A1 rated schools are the only schools that would be considered better than an A2 rated school. Maria’s Public School is one of the top 10 schools near city Guwahati.

Maria’s Public School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE Board Affiliation Code is 230037.
Overall this school has scored 9 out of 10.. The ranking and rating is calculated mainly based on the results of 116 students who appeared for the board exam last year and scored an average of 79.62% marks.

Sboa Public School

Sboa Public School is the 8th best school around the city Guwahati is the 898th best school in India and the 19th best school in Assam.
The Bestschool rating for this school is A2, if the school is said to be excellent compared to other schools, the A2 rating is only given to high quality schools. There are rare schools that are better than these schools in fact A1 rated schools are the only schools that would be considered better than an A2 rated school. Sboa Public School is one of the top 10 schools near city Guwahati.

Sboa Public School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE Board Affiliation Code is 230036.
Overall this school has scored 9 out of 10. The calculation of ranking and rating is mainly based on the results of 73 students who appeared for the board exam last year and scored an average of 77.98% marks.

Gurukul Grammar School 

Gurukul Grammar School is ranked 9th best school around Guwahati city, 1755th best school in India and 36th best school in Assam.
The Bestschool rating for this school is B2, indicating that the school is significantly above average among other schools but slightly less than a good school. A1, A2 and B1 rated schools are considered better than B2 rated schools. Gurukul Grammar School is one of the top 10 schools near city Guwahati.

Gurukul Grammar School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE Board Affiliation Code is 230030.
Overall this school has got 7 points out of 10. The calculation of ranking and rating is mainly based on the results of 374 students who appeared for the board exam last year and scored an average of 73.66% marks.

10 Best Schools in City Guwahati Assam

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